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Mastering Your Flutter App with Flavours


As a Flutter developer, you're constantly striving to build efficient and adaptable applications. But managing multiple app versions or environments can quickly become a challenge. Fear not! Flutter flavors come to the rescue, offering a powerful way to streamline your development process.

What are Flutter Flavors?

Imagine a single codebase that magically transforms into different app versions. That's the beauty of flavors. They allow you to define variations of your Flutter app, each tailored for a specific purpose. Common use cases include:

  • Environment Configurations: Develop, stage, and production environments with distinct configurations (e.g., API URLs, logging levels).
  • App Versioning: Create free and paid versions, or cater to different regions with localized content.
  • Feature Flags: Experiment with features by enabling or disabling them selectively for different flavors.

The Benefits of Flavors

  • Maintainability: Manage a single codebase, reducing boilerplate code and streamlining development.
  • Efficiency: Effortlessly switch between environments or app versions during testing and deployment.
  • Configuration Management: Isolate configuration details for each flavor, preventing accidental mix-ups.
  • Testing Flexibility: Simplify testing by targeting specific flavors with tailored test cases.

Getting Started with Flavors

Here's a quick setup process for both ios and android:

Flavor Configuration Dart Files:

  • Create a new folder named flavors at the root of your Flutter project.
  • Inside flavors, create separate Dart files (e.g., dev.dart, prod.dart) for each flavor.
  • In these Dart files, define variables or functions specific to each flavor. These can include:
    • API URLs (development, staging, production)
    • App names (different branding)
    • Colors (theming variations)
    • Feature flags (enable/disable features)
    • Firebase project IDs (connect to different projects)

Platform-Specific Configuration:

  1. Android:

  • Locate the android/app/build.gradle file.
  • Flavors Configuration in build.gradle.
  • Add / modify the following code block inside android block.
    flavorDimensions "default" 

    productFlavors {  

        prod {            
             resValue "string", "app_name", "Flavor-Prod"        
        dev {           
            resValue "string", "app_name", "Flavor-dev"
            applicationIdSuffix ".dev"

Launch Configurations:

VSCODE: create .vscode folder at root of project directory inside this folder create lauch.json file and add configurations below:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "dev",
            "request": "launch",
            "type": "dart",
            "program": "lib/dev.dart",
            "args": [
            "name": "prod",
            "request": "launch",
            "type": "dart",
            "program": "lib/prod.dart",
            "args": [
  1. iOS Configuration (Xcode):

  • Open your Flutter project in Xcode.
  1. Go to Product -> Scheme -> Manage Schemes.. to create a new scheme for each flavor.
  • Open manage Schemes to create a new scheme (+) for each flavor. by pressing plus button ' + ' located at button left corner.
  1. Buid Configurations: Duplicate the default build configurations(Debug, Profile, Release). for each scheme (matching flavor names): got to → Runner(Proj-level) → info → Configurations
  1. Go to Product -> Scheme -> Edit Schemas for Matching Buid Configuration for each (build, run, test, profile, analysis, archive).
  1. Runner(Targets) → search for Product Bundle Identifier → add flavors suffix values with matching keys, such as below:
  1. add bundle identifier at info.plist file: such as $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER), below mentioned:

Flavors Setup Done Here.

Flavors App Icons Configurations:

flutter pub add flutter_launcher_icons

  • add Asset images at project root directory for each flavors i-e prod.jpg.
  • Create yaml files at project root directory for each flavors:
  • Run the below command for auto generate icons for both android and ios:
  • flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main -f flutter_launcher_icons*
  1. Android: Above icons config is enough.
  2. iOS: Required More Customisations:
  • Assets appicon. names is required for (Primary App Icon Set Name) → mentioned at fig(2). below.


  • Runner(Targets) → Buil Settings → search for Primary App Icon Set Name →** add **the above Assets AppIcon for each keys (Debug, Profile, Release) such as Debug-dev → AppIcon-dev .. below mentioned:



Flavors App Names Configurations:

  1. Android:

  • go to → android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
  • change android:lable to "@string/app_name" ... below mentioned at Fig(1)


  • go to → android/app/build.gradle
  • add app_name inside resValue of flavors configuratiion. below mentioned at Fig(2).


  1. iOS:

  • add usr-defined setting for app name such as i did below in fig(1).
  • above '+' icon in fig(1) for creating user-defined setting.


  • at the end add fig(1). APP_DISPLAY_NAME to info.plist. below in fig(2) mentioned.




Finally, we are done here the output for both android and ios are represented below:

  • Android:

DevelopmentProductionBoth With Icons
  • IOS:

ProductionDevelopmentBoth With Icons


Flutter flavors are a game-changer for managing complexity in your Flutter projects. By embracing flavors, you can ensure efficient development, streamlined workflows, and the ability to deliver exceptional applications that cater to diverse needs.

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